Rajasthan Judicial Prelim 2015 Question Paper

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Rajasthan Judicial Prelim 2015 Question Paper

  1. Under the provisions of the Rajasthan Agricultural Credit Operations (Removal of Difficulties) Act, 1974, a Bank can recover its dues from any agriculturist or his heir or legal representative or his guarantor on account of financial assistance availed of by the agriculturist by making an application to

(1)        District Judge

(2)        High Court

(3)        Prescribed Authority

(4)        None of the above

Under section 35 of the Rajasthan Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1961, in a suit for partition and separate possession of a share in joint family property by a plaintiff, who has been excluded from possession of such property, court fee shall be:-

(1)        paid at fixed rate

(2)        computed on the market value of the plaintiff’s share of the property

(3)        at the discretion of the plaintiff

(4)        based on written statement of the defendant

  1. under the Rajasthan stamp Act, 1998, in case of a release-deed.in the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the expense of providing the proper stamp shall be borne by:-

(1)        the beneficiary

(2)        the person drawing, making or executing the release-deed

(3)        by both the parties in equal shares

(4)        none of the above

  1. If an instrument has not been duly stamped and where such an instrument has been admitted in evidence, such admission :-

(1)        can be called in question at any stage of the same suit or proceeding

(2)        shall not be called in question at any stage of the same suit or proceeding except as provided for by .Section 71 of the Rajasthan stamp Act, 1998

(3)        at the discretion of the opposite party can be called in question

(4)        none of the above

  1. Under the Registration Act, 1908 a will can be presented for registration before the Registrar or sub Registrar by:-

(1)        the testator

(2)        after death of testator, any person claiming as executor or otherwise under a will

(3)        both (1) and (2)

(4)        none of the above

  1. Two parties entered into a contract. They later realised that the law as they understood as applicable was not in force in India. This makes their contract

(1)        illegal

(2)        void

(3)        voidable

(4)        none of the above

  1. Acknowledgement after the expiration of the period prescribed under the Indian Limitation Act, 1963, for a suit or application:-

(1)        is of no effect

(2)        gives rise to an independent & enforceable contract

(3)        is of great value

(4)        none of the above

  1. Time limit for disposal of a petition filed under Section 9 of Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001 is:-

(1)        within the period of two hundred and forty days from the date of service of notice on the tenant

(2)        within the period of twelve months from the date of service of notice on the tenant

(3)        within the period of six months from the date of service of notice on • the tenant

(4)        no limitation

  1. Subject to contract between the partners, a firm is dissolved :-

(1)        if constituted for a fixed term, by the expiry of that term

(2)        if constituted to carry out one or more adventures or undertakings, by the completion thereof

(3)        by the death of a partner

(4)        all the above

  1. Finder of lost goods under Indian Contract Act, 1872 is a:-

(1)        bailor

(2)        surety

(3)        bailee

(4)        none of the above

  1. Under Rajasthan Right to Hearing Act, 2012, a complaint can be filed regarding grievance relating to :-

(1)        the service matters of a public servant

(2)        any matter in which any Court or Tribunal has jurisdiction

(3)        any matter under Right to Information Act, 2005

(4)        none of the above

  1. In which of the following cases has the Supreme Court ruled that the members of the Transgender Community who are neither male nor female, at the time of birth, are recognized as ‘Third Gender’ for the purpose of safeguarding and enforcing appropriately their fundamental and other legal, social and economic rights guaranteed under the Constitution?

(1)        Rambilas Singh vs. State of Bihar – AIR 1989 SC 1593

(2)        Lily Thomas vs. Union of India – (2013) 7 SCC 653

(3)        National Legal services Authority vs. Union of India – (2014) 5 SCC 438

(4)        None of the above

  1. Article 21-A providing for Right to Education was inserted in the constitution by :-

(1)        the Constitution (Eighty Sixth Amendment) Act, 2002

(2)        the Constitution (Ninety First Amendment) Act, 2003

(3)        the Constitution (Ninety Second Amendment) Act, 2003

(4)        the Constitution (Eighty Fourth Amendment) Act, 2001

  1. Which of the following is correct statement in so far as Section 20 of the Code of civil Procedure, 1908, is concerned ?

(1)        The suit has to be instituted in the court of the lowest grade competent to try it

(2)        The suit has to be instituted in the court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the defendant actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain

(3)        The suit has to be instituted in the court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction, the cause of action wholly or in part arises

(4)        All the above are correct

  1. In which of the following cases, did the Supreme Court uphold the validity of the Code of Civil Procedure Amendment Acts of 1999 and 2002 ?

(1)        Delhi H.c. Bar Association Vs. UOI

(2)        Allahabad H.C. Bar Association Vs. UOI

(3)        Salem Advocate Bar Association vs. UOI

(4)        P & H H.C. Bar Association vs. UOI

  *** For complete question paper and its complete solution, please join us at our crash course at Jaipur in January 2019.                                 


RJS crash course at Jaipur

We offer a special classroom course from Jan to March 2019 for the coming RJS exam.