Online Applications are now open for Chhattisgarh Higher Judicial Service Examination!
Please visit to download the application form – http://highcourt.cg.gov.in/srec/2018/Adv_5_1_b_%202018.pdf
Last date for application: 5th September 2018
Hon’ble Chhattisgarh High Court has announced the recruitment for Chhattisgarh Higher Judicial Services for 2018.
We have summarized the key facts below:
Number of vacancies (total): 10
- The age of candidate should be between 35-45 years as on 01-01-2018
- Degree in Law with min. 07 years of experience in practicing as a Advocate
Exam Pattern: Main Exam (subjective type) and then Viva (Interview)
Syllabus: No changes notified
How to apply:
- The bonafide residents of Chhattisgarh belonging to Scheduled Caste should specify their category in the application form.
- The application duly filled in and signed along with Identity-Sheet & four identical and recent passport size self attested photographs with name and address of the applicant on the back of the photographs affixing one photograph on application form, one photograph on Identity-Sheet and two photographs to be stapled at the space provided in the application form and Two self addressed envelope (11” x 5”) stamped with postal stamps of Rs. 25/- each addressed to the Registrar General, High Court of Chhattisgarh, at Bodri, Bilaspur (C.G.) Pin – 495220, must reach the Registry of this High Court on or before 05/09/2018 till 5:00 P.M. The words “Application for District Judge (Entry Level) Examination 2018 by direct recruitment and the Advt. No. 02 / S & A Cell/2018” must be written on the top of the envelope (14’x10”).
- Last date for submission of duly filled in and signed application is 05/09/2018 till 5:00 P.M. It is the responsibility of the applicant that his/her application must reach the Registry office by 5:00 p.m. of the last date. The applications may also be submitted by dropping it in the “Box” kept therefor in the Registry office during the office hours i.e. from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on every working day till the last date. The applications received in the Registry office by post till 5:00 p.m. on the last date shall only be entertained. Registry will not be responsible for any postal delay.
Coaching for Chhattisgarh Judicial Service Exam
Delhi Law Academy runs a special weekend classroom batch for Chhattisgarh Judiciary 2018 Exam.
We also offer comprehensive STUDY MATERIAL for Chhattisgarh Judiciary 2018.