Rajasthan Judicial service English – 2015 Question Paper
Rajasthan Judicial service English – 2015 Question Paper
Time : 2.00 Hours Maximum Marks : 120
1. Write an essay in English on any one of the topics given below in about 500 words –
a. Public Interest Litigation – A blessing for the disadvantageous.
b. The concept of Local Self Government in the Constitution of India.
2. Write an essay in English on any one of the topics given below in about 400 words –
a. India of my dreams.
b. Rajasthan – As I know.
c. Indira Gandhi Canal – A gift to Thaar Desert.
3. Write an essay in English on any one of the topics given below in about 400 words –
a. Our judicial system – Its strength and weaknesses.
b. Necessity of judicial activism.