Punjab Judicial Mains 2011 Civil Law Question Paper
Punjab Judicial Mains 2011 Civil Law Question Paper
Q. 1
(a) There is paradigm shift in the grounds of divorce. A shift from ‘fault to ‘breakdown of marriage’ as basis of divorce has been recognized by the Supreme Court. Narrate the various grounds of divorce under Hindu Law and give you opinion. (10 Marks)
(b) ‘R’ sues his wife W for divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, on the ground that she had for some time been suffering from venereal disease, in a communicable form. ‘W’ proves that-
(i) the disease is curable and
(ii) the disease has been contracted from ‘R’ himself. Decide. (10 Marks)
(c) Write short notes on the following
(i) Maintenance of wife under a void marriage.
(ii) Legitimacy of children of void and voidable marriage.
(iii) The ‘live in’ relationship and its consequential right of succession to an offspring born out of ‘live in’ relationship has been recognized by the Supreme Court. Discuss its effect on Indian Institution of marriage.
(iv) Restitution of conjugal rights (20 Marks)
Q. 2:
(a) Enumerate the Rules framed by Supreme Court on inter -country adoption of child. (10 Marks)
(b) Explain the major amendment made by Family Law Amendment Act, 2010 with regard to adoption of child. Describe Your Detail. (10 Marks)
(c) Can an unchaste Hindu wife claim maintenance from her husband? Discuss with the help of case law. (10 Marks)
(d) Explain the concept of ‘De facto and ad hoc guardian’. (10 Marks)
Q. 3
(a) The real brothers Hukam Singh, Sukh Ram and Sukh Ram’s son Chhinda constituted a joint Hindu Family governed RIEM by the Banaras School of Mitashara Law under which a coparcener without obtaining the consent of the other coparceners was not competen to sell his undivided share for his own benefit. Hukam Singh died in the year 1952 and his widow Krishana Devi on 15-11-1956 sold Yz share in the family house and shop to Gauri Shankar, Sukh Ram and Chhinda filed a suit which was contested up to the Supreme Court of India. Discuss the following with reference to recent case law.
(i) Whether the sale deed is liable to be cancelled.
(ii) Whether the Hindu Widow’s right in property of Joint Hindu Family became larger than her deceased husband.
(iii) Whether the Hindu Widow, Krishana Devi continued to have limited interest.
(iv) Whether the Hindu Widow, Krishana Devi had already become absolute owner. (20 Marks)
(b) A Hindu embraces Islam and remarries. Wife also remarries. Is her remarriage valid? Also compare the position of a Muslim wife in similar circumstances. (10 Marks)
(c) What do you understand by Muta marriage under Muslim Law? What are the differences between Muta marriage and Nikah? (10 Marks)
Q. 4
(a) A Mohammedan dies, leaving debts, some house property, a minor son, a widow and a brother. In order to discharge the debts the widow sells a house purporting to act as guardian of her minor son. Is the sale binding on the minor? Will it make any difference if the sale is effected by the brother who has been actually managing the property left by the deceased on behalf of the minor? (10 Marks)
(b) Write short notes on the following:-
(i) Karewa marriage
(ii) Chadar Andazi
(iii) Antecedent debt
(iv) Pious obligation
(v) Customary divorce (20 Marks)
(c) What is the difference between :
(i) the doctrine of limitation and laches,
(ii) the doctrine of limitation and acquiescence (10 Marks)
Q. 5
(a) Develop the principle, “when time once begin to run no subsequent inability to sue stops it.” What are the exceptions to this principle? (10 Marks)
(b) ‘A’ passed a promissory note on 10th January, 1913, payable on demand to ‘B’ and company ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. Immediately after passing of the promissory note, ‘B’ became insane. ‘D’ who was a minor attained his majority on 1st January, 1917. On 10th February, 1917 ‘D’ files a suit against ‘A’. Is the suit time barred? (10 Marks)
(c) Discuss the circumstances in which Registration of a document can be refused by the Registering Authority. What is the remedy against an unjustified refusal? (10 Marks)
(d) Whether the following types of lease of immovable property requires registration:-
(i) A lease for six months.
(ii) A lease for a term exceeding one year
(iii)A lease for year to year
(iv) A lease which is for one year with a continuing option to tenant to review for further period of one year. (10 Marks)