Kerala Judicial Service Civil Judge
Pay Scale of Kerala Judicial Service Civil Judge
Rs. 27,700 – 44,770/-, with usual dearness allowance and other allowances as sanctioned by the government of Kerala.Eligibility of Kerala Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam
- Applicant must be a citizen of India.
- Candidate must have acquired a bachelor degree in law from a recognized institute or university.
- The age of the candidates must be less than or equal to 35 years.
- The candidates of the SC and ST category will get 3 years relaxation in their upper age.
Pattern & Syllabus of Kerala Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam
The examination process for Kerala Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam typically occurs in 3 phases:
- Preliminary Exam (Objective type)
- Main Exam (Subjective type)
- Interview
Preliminary Examination
Part A
- Code of Civil Procedure
- Indian Contract Act
- Negotiable Instruments Act
- Transfer of Property Act
- Specific Relief Act
- Kerala Building (Lease and Rent Control) Act.
Part B
- Code of Criminal Procedure
- Indian Penal Code
- Indian Evidence Act.
Part C
- Constitution of India
- Legal G.K.
- Reasoning & Mental ability.
Main Examination
One paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) to test English
- English Grammar
- General Essays
- Translation of Malayalam Depositions/Documents to English and vice-versa
- Precis writing.
- Part A : Indian Contract Act, Transfer of Property Act, Limitation Act, Specific Relief Act, Easements Act, Kerala Building (Lease and Rent Control) Act, Hindu Succession Act, Indian Succession Act – Parts V, VI & X, Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act.
- Part B : Kerala Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, Kerala Stamp Act, Legal Services Authorities Act, The Kerala Panchayath Raj Act -Ch. X, XI, XXIA & XXIII, Kerala Municipality Act -Ch.IX, X, XXIV & XXV, Negotiable Instruments Act (except Ch. XVII), and Registration Act.
One paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) regarding objective questions and problems of law as regards-
- Part-A: Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, Abkari Act, Negotiable Instruments Act -Ch. XVII, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act.
- Part-B: Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, Kerala Police Act, Probation of Offenders Act, Forest Act, N.D.P.S. Act (provisions relating to bail and trial by Magistrates)
- Part-A: Code of Civil Procedure, Civil Rules of Practice, Kerala Civil Courts Act, Order in Interlocutory Application/ Framing of issues/Judgment writing (Civil)
- Part-B: Code of Criminal Procedure. Criminal Rules of Practice. Framing of charges/Order in Criminal Miscellaneous Petitions/ Judgment writing (Criminal)
Interview / Viva-voce Details
Only those candidates who score the prescribed percentage of marks or more in the main written examination shall be called for viva voce. The cut off marks in the viva voce is fixed at 40% for general and OBC candidates and 35% for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Schedules Tribes. Fraction of half or more than half shall be regarded as full marks and less than half shall be ignored. The marks secured by a candidate in the viva voce shall be added to the total marks secured by him/her at the written examination (Main).
Note :
Training: Every person selected for appointment shall undergo training for a period of not less than one year extendable upto two years. The training will be conducted by the Kerala Judicial Academy. During the period of training direct recruit appointees will be paid an allowance of Rs. 27,700/- per month and those recruited by transfer, the last pay drawn by them whichever is higher.
Probation: Every person appointed shall be on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years from the date on which he joins duty.
Tests: Every person appointed shall, within the period of probation, pass the Account Test for Executive Officers of the Kerala State or the Account Test (Lower) unless he has already passed either of those tests.