How to Prepare for CLAT 2026 Exam: A Complete Guide
The CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) is one of the most competitive exams for students aspiring to join top law universities in India.
The New Sedition Law – 152 BNS
New Sedition Law
Comparison of Section 152 BNS with section 124A IPC
The New Sedition Law – 152 BNS
New Sedition Law
Comparison of Section 152 BNS with section 124A IPC
Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners
Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners
Sub-classification within SC for Reservations
Sub-classification within the Scheduled Castes for Reservations – latest SC Judgment
Abrogation of Article 370
Reservation of seats for women in Lok Sabha
Constitution 106th Amendment Act
Reservation of seats for women in Lok Sabha
Section 125 CrPC applies to Muslim Women
Did section 125 of the now-repealed CrPC apply to Muslim married and divorced women too