Reading Comprehension 1

Delhi Law Academy


Passage 1:

The enjoyment of physical possession of things would seem to be one of the prerogatives of wealth which has been little impaired. Presumably nothing has happened to keep the man who can afford them from enjoying his Rembrandt and his home grown orchids. But enjoyment of things has always been associated with the third prerogative of wealth which is the distinction it confers. In a world where nearly everyone was poor, the distinction was very great. It was the natural consequence of rarity. In England it is widely agreed, the ducal families are not uniformly superior. There is a roughly normal incidence of intelligence and stupidity, good taste and bad taste, morality, immorality. But very few people are dukes and duchesses, although the latter have become rather more frequent with modern easing of divorce laws. As a result, even though they may be intrinsically unexceptional they are regarded with some awe. So it has long have been with the rich. Were dukes numerous their position would deteriorate. As the rich have become more numerous, they have inevitably becomes a debased currency.


  1. The distinction conferred by wealth

was unfair to the poor

was unlikely to spread throughout the world

was very great when there were many rich people

was very great when there were few rich people


  1. The enjoyment of the physical possession of things

is one of the privileges of wealth which has not been changed

is one of the privileges of wealth which should be curtailed

has little to do with the prerogatives of wealth

is a prerogative of wealth which cannot be disputed


  1. Ducal families in England
  2. are generally agreed to be fairly common
  3. are generally agreed to be fairly superior
  4. are superior because they are rich
  5. are generally agreed not to be always better than others


  1. There are more duchesses now because
  2. it is easier for dukes to divorce and remarry
  3. dukes are more immoral than they used to be
  4. their position has deteriorated
  5. they are debased


  1. Among the ducal families
  2. there is great deal of immorality
  3. there is a fairly even spread of virtues and vices
  4. there is a great deal of bad taste
  5. there is either great intelligence or great stupidity


Passage 2 : Nehru’s was a many sided personality. He enjoyed reading and writing books as much as he enjoyed fighting political and social evils or residing tyranny. In him, the scientist and the humanist were held in perfect balance. While he kept looking at special problems from a scientific standpoint, he never forgot that we should nourish the total man. As a scientist, he refused to believe in a benevolent power interested in men’s affairs but, as a self-proclaimed nonbeliever, he loved affirming his faith in life and the beauty of nature. Children he adored. Unlike Wordsworth, he did not see them trailing clouds of glory from the recent sojourn in heaven. He saw them as a blossoms of promise and renewal, the only hope for mankind.


  1. Nehru thought that children
  2. were trailing clouds of glory
  3. held promise for a better future
  4. were like flowers to be loved and admired
  5. held no hope for mankind


  1. Nehru enjoyed
  2. reading and writing books
  3. fighting political and social evils
  4. resisting tyranny
  5. doing all the above and much more


  1. Which of the statements reflects Nehru point of view?
  2. Humanism is more important than science
  3. Science is supreme and humanism is subordinate to it
  4. Science and Humanism are equally important
  5. There is no ground between science and humanism


  1. In this passage, ‘a benevolent power interested in men’s affairs’ means
  2. a supernatural power of God
  3. beauty of nature
  4. the spirit of science
  5. the total man


  1. A ‘many-sided personality’ means
  2. a complex personality
  3. a secretive person
  4. a person having varied interests
  5. a capable person


Passage 3 : Until the end of his first year at school, Cyril retained many of the pleasures and pursuits he had brought with him from home, and he kept an odd interest in butterflies and fossils. His grandmother had presented him with a fine bird’s eggs cabinet, but he could never bring himself to risk climbing trees. Once or twice he dissected dead birds from sheer determination to overcome his horror of the operation. Probably it was his envy of those physically unlike himself that brought on a phase during which he drew massive athletes with thick necks and square shoulders. Again he was pitying himself for what he could never be.


  1. The reason Why Cyril made drawings of athletes was that
  2. though he admired them, he lacked a fine physique himself
  3. he loved violent exercises
  4. athletics was a passion with him
  5. he had to complete an assignment


  1. Cyril dissected dead birds to
  2. see if he would like to become a doctor
  3. please his grandmother
  4. satisfy his curiosity
  5. overcome the fear of act


  1. Until the end of first year, Cyril retained his interest in
  2. bird’s eggs
  3. butterflies and fossils
  4. dissecting bird’s
  5. drawing pictures of athletes


  1. Cyril did not want to climb trees because he
  2. loved to play on the ground
  3. was scared of falling down
  4. disliked trees
  5. thought it was childish


  1. Cyril’s early schooling was in some ways like home life because
  2. he had all his old friends with him
  3. the food and the climate were same as at home
  4. he kept an doing what gave joy and recreation at home
  5. his family visited him often


Passage 4: The assault on the purity of the environment is the price that we pay for many of the benefits of modern technology. For the advantage of automotive transportation we pay a price in smog induced diseases; for the powerful effects of new insecticides, we pay a price in dwindling wildlife and disturbances in the relation of living things and their surroundings; for nuclear power, we risk the biological hazards of radiation. By increasing agricultural production with fertilizers, we worsen water pollution.

The highly developed nations of the world are not only the immediate beneficiaries of the good that technology can do, that are also the first victims of environmental diseases that technology breeds. In the past, the environmental effects which accompanied technological progress were restricted to a small and relatively short time. The new hazards are neither local nor brief. Modern air pollutions covers vast areas of continents: Radioactive fallout from the nuclear explosion is worldwide. Radioactive pollutants now on the earth surface will be found there for generations, and in case of Carbon14,  for  thousands of  years.


  1. The widespread use of insecticides has
  2. reduced the number of wild animals
  3. caused imbalance in the relationship between living beings and their environment
  4. eliminated diseases by killing mosquitoes and flies
  5. caused biological hazards


  1. The passage emphasis that modern technology
  2. is an unmixed blessing
  3. has caused serious hazards to life
  4. has produced powerful chemicals
  5. has benefited highly developed nations


  1. According to the passage the increasing use of fertilisers is responsible for
  2. abundance of food
  3. disturbance in the ecological system
  4. water pollution
  5. increase in diseases


  1. The harmful effects of modern technology are
  2. widespread but short lived
  3. widespread and long lasting
  4. limited and long-lasting
  5. severe but short-lived


  1. Radioactive pollutants
  2. are limited in their effect
  3. will infect the atmosphere for thousands of years
  4. will be on the surface of earth for a very long time
  5. will dissipate in short span of time


Passage 5: There was a marked difference of quality between the personages who haunted near bridge of brick and the personages who haunted the far one of stone. Those of lowest character preferred the former, adjoining the town; they did not mind the glare of the public eye. They had been of no account during their successes; and though they might feel dispirited, they had no sense of shame in their ruin. Instead of sighing at their adversaries they spat, and instead of saying the iron had entered into their souls they said they were down in their luck. The miserables who would pause on the remoter bridge were of  a politer stamp persons who did not know how to get rid of the weary time. The eyes of this species were mostly directed over the parapet upon the running water below. While one on the townward bridge did not mind who saw him so, and kept his back to parapet to survey the passer-by, one on this never faced the road, never turned his head at coming footsteps, but, sensitive to his own condition, watched the current whenever a stranger approached, as if some strange fish interested him, though every finned thing had been poached out of the rivers years before.


  1. In this passage the author is trying to
  2. explain the difference between the construction of the two bridges
  3. describe the way different sections of people like to dress
  4. explain the variety of ways in which strangers can be treated
  5. describe how people of different classes behaved when unhappy


  1. People belonging to lower strata in their moments of distress
  2. remembered the days of glory
  3. dressed shabbily to earn sympathy
  4. visited the brick made bridge
  5. felt ashamed of their failures


  1. The attitude of lowly and genteel towards strangers was
  2. virtually the same
  3. entirely different
  4. completely indifferent
  5. virulently hostile


  1. The bridge of stone was frequented by
  2. all the sections of society
  3. those fond of fishing
  4. the sophisticated but luckless
  5. none of the above


  1. The two bridges were known
  2. for their similar design
  3. for being equidistant from town
  4. for being haunted places
  5. for attracting dejected people to them


Passage 6: Nationalism, of course, is a curious phenomenon which at a certain stage in a country’s history gives life, growth and unity but, at the same time, it has a tendency to limit one,  because one thinks of one’s country as something different from the rest of world. One’s perceptive changes and one is continuously thinking of one’s own struggles and virtues and failing to the exclusion of other thoughts. The result is that the same nationalism which is the symbol of growth for a people becomes a symbol of the cessation of that growth in mind. Nationalism, when it becomes successful sometimes goes on spreading in an aggressive way and becomes a danger internationally. Whatever line of thought you follow, you arrive at the conclusion that some kind of balance must be found. Otherwise something that was good can turn into evil. Culture, which is essentially good becomes not only static but aggressive and something that breeds conflict and hatred when looked at from a wrong point of view. How are you to find a balance, I don’t know. Apart from the political and economic problems of the age, perhaps, that is the greatest problem today because behind it there is tremendous search for something which it cannot find. We turn to economic theories because they have an undoubted importance. It is folly to talk of culture or even of God when human beings starve and die. Before one can talk about anything else one must provide the normal essentials of life to human beings. That is where economics comes in. Human beings today are not in mood to tolerate this suffering and starvation and inequality when they see that the burden is not equally shared. Others profit while they only bear the burden.


  1. The greatest problem in the middle of the passage refers to the question
  2. how to mitigate hardship to human beings
  3. how to contain the dangers of aggressive nationalism
  4. how to share the economic burden equally
  5. how to curb international hatred


  1. Negative national feeling can make a nation
  2. selfish
  3. self-centred
  4. indifferent
  5. dangerous


  1. Suitable title for this passage can be
  2. Nationalism breeds unity
  3. Nationalism a road to world unity
  4. Nationalism is not enough
  5. Nationalism and national problems


  1. ‘Others’ in the last sentence refers to
  2. other people
  3. other nations
  4. other communities
  5. other neighbours


  1. Aggressive nationalism
  2. breeds threat to international relations
  3. leads to stunted growth
  4. endangers national unity
  5. isolates a country


Passage 7: Detective stories tend to glorify crime. Murderers, gangsters and crooks of all kinds are described as tough, cunning and courageous individuals who know how to take care of themselves and how to get what they want. In James McCain’s The Postman Always Rings twice, for instance the villain is a much more impressive character than his victim. He is casual, brave, smart and successful with women. It is true that he finally gets caught. But he is punished for a crime that he did not commit, so that his conviction is hardly a triumph of justice. Besides, looking back over the exciting life of the criminal, the reader might conclude that it was worth the risk.


  1. The passage mention James McCain
  2. A. as an author of detective stories
  3. as brave, smart, and successful with women
  4. as tough cunning and courageous
  5. as being more impressive than others


  1. Murderers, gangsters and crooks referred to in the passage given above
  2. always manage to get away
  3. are often glorified in detective stories
  4. are wiser than their victims
  5. know how to escape from law


  1. According to this passage, a criminal in a detective story generally gets caught
  2. for the crimes he has committed
  3. because of his careless mistakes
  4. because the police is smarter than the criminals
  5. for the crimes he has not committed


  1. According to the passage, the life of a criminal
  2. is exciting
  3. is hardly worth the risk
  4. is seldom presented in the right perspective
  5. ends in a triumph of justice


  1. According to be passage given above, detective stories
  2. make interesting reading
  3. are hardly worth reading
  4. encourage readers to content crimes
  5. tend to create wrong notion about crimes and punishment


Passage  8: There is modicum of truth in the assertion that “a working knowledge of ancient history is necessary to the intelligent interpretation of current events”. But the sage who uttered these words of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.



  1. A person who aspires to lead could learn from the history of battles
  2. what led the previous leaders win a battle
  3. what made them lose a battle
  4. the qualities and deficiencies of commanders of these battles
  5. the strategies that they have evolved in course of these battles


  1. In this context, “intelligent interpretation of current events” means
  2. rational explanation of events
  3. appropriate understanding of events
  4. intellectual outlook on events
  5. skilful interpretation of events


  1. The expression “more than a modicum of truth” means
  2. some truth
  3. much truth
  4. more than a small amount of truth
  5. nothing but truth


  1. According to the writer, a study of famous battles of history would
  2. be beneficial to wise men
  3. provide food to modern leaders for reflection
  4. be more useful than a general knowledge of ancient history
  5. help us understand the art of modern warfare


  1. A knowledge of history is necessary to interpret current problems because
  2. they have roots in the past
  3. they can be contrasted with the past events
  4. they may be repetitions of past events
  5. only then they can be put in a proper context


Passage 9: The casual horrors and real disasters are thrown at newspaper reader without discrimination. In the contemporary arrangements for circulating the news, an important element, evaluation is always weak and often wanting entirely. There is no point anywhere along the line somewhere someone put his foot down for certain and says, “This is important and that does not amount to row of beans; deserves no one’s attention, and should travel the wires no farther”. The junk is dressed up to look as meaningful as the real news.


  1. Evaluation of news would imply
  2. less dependence on modern systems of communication
  3. more careful analysis of each news story and its value
  4. separating beans from junk
  5. discriminating horrors from disasters


  1. The writer of the above passage
  2. seems to be happy with the contemporary arrangements for circulating news
  3. is shocked by the casual stories about horrors and disasters reported in the Newspapers
  4. wants better evaluation of news before publication
  5. wants to put his foot down on news stories


  1. In the above passage, the phrase “amounts to a row of beans” means that the news
  2. is weak and often wanting entirely
  3. deserves no one’s attention
  4. should travel the wires
  5. is junk dressed up as real news


  1. Newspapers lack a sense of discrimination because
  2. they do not separate the real news from junk news for mere sensationalism
  3. they have to accept whatever is received on the wires
  4. limited manpower makes serious evolution impossible
  5. people don’t see the difference between ‘junk’ and ‘real’ news


  1. The passage implies that
  2. there has to be censorship on newspapers
  3. there is no point in having censorship
  4. newspapers always dress up junk to look meaningful
  5. one has to be strict in selecting news items


Passage 10: The world dismisses curiosity by calling it idle or mere idle curiosity even though curious persons are seldom idle. Parents do their best to extinguish curiosity in their children because it makes life difficult to be faced every day with a string of unanswerable questions about what makes fire hot or why grass grows. Children whose curiosity survives parental discipline are invited to join our university. With the university, they go on asking their questions and trying to find the answers. In the eyes of a scholar, that is what a university for. Some of the questions which the scholars ask seem to the world to be scarcely worth asking, let alone answering. They asked questions too minute and  specialised for you and me to understand without years of explanation. If the world inquires of one of them why he wants to know the answer to a particular question he may say, especially if he is a scientist, that the answer will in some obscure way make possible a new machine or weapon or gadget. He talks that way because he knows that the world understands and respects utility. But to you who are now part of the university, he will say that he wants to know the answer simply because he does not know it, the way the mountain climber wants to climb a mountain, simply because it is there. Similarly a historian asked by an outsider why he studies history may come out with the argument that he has learnt to respect to report on such occasions, something about knowledge of the past making it possible to understand the present and mould the future. But if you really want to know why a historian studies the past, the answer is much simpler, something happened and he would like to know what. All this does not mean that the answers which scholars strive to find lack consequences but these seldom form the reason for asking the question or pursuing the answers. It is true that scholars can be put to work answering questions for sake of the consequences as thousands are working now, for example, in search of a cure for cancer. But this is not the primary scholars. For the consequences are usually subordinate to the satisfaction of curiosity.


  1. Children whose curiosity survives parental discipline means
  2. children retaining their curiosity in spite of being discouraged by their parents
  3. children pursuing their mental curiosity
  4. children’s curiosity subdued due to parents intervention
  5. children being disciplined by their parents


  1. According to their passage, the children make life difficult for their parents
  2. by their ceaseless curiosity
  3. by unceasing bombardment of questions
  4. by asking irrelevant questions
  5. by posing profound questions


  1. The common people consider some of the questions that the scholars ask unimportant
  2. as they are too lazy and idle
  3. as they are too modest
  4. as it’s beyond their comprehension
  5. as it is considered a waste of time


  1. A historian really studies the past
  2. to comprehend the present and to reconstruct the future
  3. to explain the present and plan the future
  4. to understand the present and mould the future
  5. to know what happened in the past


  1. According to their passage, parents do their best to discourage curiosity in their children
  2. because they have no time
  3. because they have no patience to answer them
  4. because they feel that their children ask stupid questions continuously
  5. because they are unable to answer all the questions



  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. C
  43. B
  44. A
  45. C
  46. A
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. D