Uttarakhand Judicial 2012 Law-III Question Paper
Uttarakhand Judicial 2012 Law-III Question Paper
(a) What were the main objectives of Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950 and to what extent have they been achieved? 20
(b) What is the order of priority in allotment of Gram Sabha Lands? 10
(c) Write short notes on any two of the following:
(i) Estate
(ii) Khatauni
(iii) Arrears of Land Revenue 10
(a)What are the classes of tenure holders under the U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950? Under what circumstances could a Sirdar become a Bhumidhar ? 20 (b) Distinguish between Compensation and Rehabilitation Grant. 10
(a) Explain the functions of Gram Sabha. Describe in detail the properties which vest in a Gram Sabha. 20
(b) What do you mean by Revenue Court? 10
(a) Describe the Order of Succession provided in law applicable under U.P.Z.A. and Land Reforms Act when a Bhumidhar male dies. 20
(b) What is the difference between Abandonment and Surrender? 10
(a) Discuss the procedure and consequences in failure for the ejectment of persons occupying land without title. 20
(b) What is the difference between revenue and rent? Elucidate. 10
(a) Discuss the law relating to minor’s exemption from criminal liability. 15
(b) What is mens rea ? What are its essential elements ? Explain. 15
(c) Explain any two of the following : 10
(i) Public Servant
(ii) Valuable Security
(iii) Good Faith
(a) State the offences affecting Public Health. What punishment has been prescribed for such offences? 10
(b) What are the offences against the state? Explain with exception. 10
(c) What do you understand by cumulative Punishment? 10
(a) What is murder? When does culpable homicide not amount to murder? 20
(b) Explain any two of the following: 10
(i) Riot
(ii) Affray
(iii) Kidnapping
(a) What is criminal breach of trust? What facts are to be proved for such offence? Point out the difference between ‘criminal breach of trust’ and ‘criminal misappropriation’. Support your answer with examples. 20
(b) A climbed upon the roof of his house with the help of a ladder. B intentionally pulls the ladder. What offence has been committed by B? 10
(a) What is criminal Intimidation? 10
(b) How Insult is distinguished from Defamation? 10
(c) ‘A’, a Hindu is married to ‘B’, a Hindu woman, ‘A’ by embracing Islam, remarries with ‘C’, a Muslim woman. Has ‘A’ committed any offence? Explain. 10