Uttarakhand Judicial 2013 Computer Question Paper
Uttarakhand Judicial 2013 Computer Question Paper
1. (a) Write steps to access the calculator in the system.
(b) Write the name of the two social networking sites.
(c ) Write steps to change time and date of the system.
(d) Full form of WAN is _____________.
(e) DOS stands for ______________.
2. (a) Create a blank table with 5 rows and 4 columns in MS- Word with the following information.
S.No. Students Name Mobile No. Email-ID
1 AAA 9412345674 a@gmail.com
4 DDD 8765433987 d@yahoo.com
8 FFF 9734423423 f@gmail.com
12 JJJ 9345567788 j@rediffmail.com
(b) Perform the operation ‘Centre justify’ on column ‘Student Name’.
(c ) Bold and Italics the row with S.No. 8.
(d) Move the column ‘Email-ID’ with contents before the column ‘Mobile No.’.
(e) Sort the table in ascending order of numbers with respect to column ‘Mobile No.’.
3. (a) Create a new slide with ‘comparison’ layout in MS-PowerPoint.
(b) Insert the shape ‘triangle’ in the left portion and ‘oval’ in the right portion of the above slide.
(c) Write text UKPSC in the triangle and HARIDWAR in the oval.
(d) Rotate the triangle and oval by 90 degree in right direction.
(e) Insert system date and time in the title box of the slide.
4. (a) Create a table in MS-Access with database name ‘Emp’ with following fields-
Emp_ID (Number), Emp_Name (Text), DOB (Date)
(b) Insert the following data in the above table:
Emp_ID Emp_Name DOB
238 ABC 15-03-1975
235 XYZ 10-04-1980
236 PQR 23-11-1970
(c ) Insert a new column with name Gender(Text) before DOB with row-wise data M, M and F.
(d) Sort the above table in descending order with respect to field ‘Emp_ID’.
(e) Delete the row with Emp_ID=235.
5. (a) Create a spreadsheet in MS-Excel with following marks in different subjects:
SName Phy Chem Math
AA 36 78 89
BB 67 51 56
CC 76 65 79
(b) Find out row-wise and column-wise sum of marks using MS-Excel feature.
(c ) Create a 3D bar chart showing comparative display of marks.
(d) Display the above information in all borders setting.
(e) Find out the subject wise maximum marks in the 6th row using MS-Excel feature.