Nagaland Judicial Service Grade – III April 2013- Paper – I
Nagaland Judicial Service Grade – III April 2013- Paper – I Question Paper
Total marks – 100 Duration – 3 hours
1. Write an essay on:
“Professional ethics In the legal profession”.
“Promotion tourism in Nagaland”
2. Write on your favourite author or book.
3. Write a brief note on damage to environment in your State.
4. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper on harmful, effects of tobacco.
5. Read the following passage carefully and answer the 5 short questions in one or two sentences.
In those days a little coloured girl, Martha Washington, the child of our cook, and
Belle, an old setter and a great hunter in her days, \A/ere my constant companions. Martha Washington understood my signs, and I seldom had any difficulty in making her do just as I wished. It pleased me to domineer over her, and she generally submitted to my tyranny rather than risk a hand-to-hand encounter. I was strong and indifferent to consequences. I knew my own mind well enough and always had my own way, even if I had to fight tooth and nail for it. We spent a great deal of time in the kitchen, kneading dough balls, helping make ice-cream, grinding coffee, quarrelling over the cake-bowl, and feeding the hens and turkeys that swarmed about the kitchen steps. Many of them were so tame that they would eat from my hand and let me feel them. One big gobbler snatched a tomato from me one day and ran » * away with it. Inspired, perhaps, by the Gobbler’s success, we carried off to the woodpile a cake which the cook had just frosted, and ate every bit of it. I was quite ill afterward, and I wonder if retribution also overtook the turkey.
The guinea-fowl likes to hide her nest in out of the way places, and it was one-of my greatest delights to hunt for the eggs in the long grass. I could not tell Martha Washington when I wanted to go egg-hunting, but I would double my hands and put them on the ground, which meant something round in the grass, and Martha always understood. When we were fortunate enough to find a nest I never allowed her to carry the eggs home, making her understand by emphatic signs that she might fall and break them.
5.1. Who were Helen’s constant companions in her childhood ?
5.2. What is said in the text about the relation between Helen and Martha Washington ?
5.3. How did Helen spend her time with Martha Washington ?
5.4. What does Helen say about the hens and the turkeys ?
5.5. Who was ‘Master Gobbler’ ? What did Helen do, being inspired by its success ?
6. These sentences begin with Direct speech, Now convert, it into Indirect speech.
6.1. “Oh, what a lovely day” I She exclaimed.
6.2. “So it is,” he agreed, and asked, “What shall we do to make the most of it ?”
6.3. “We could go .to the beach this morning”, she suggested.
6.4. “Then let’s pack some food and leave”, he said.
6.5. “That sounds great,” she said, and added, but will you promise to leave me home before dark?
7. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct tenses from the given choices by indicating your option for each question :
7.1. I wish you ____ louder as I can’t hear what you say.
(a) were speaking
(b) spoke
(c) would speak
(d) speak
7.2. The audience_____ to take their seats please.
(a) is requested
(b) have requested
(c) may request
(d) are requested
7.3. It_____ all day yesterday before the garden wall collapsed
(a) rained
(b) has been raining
(c) had rained
(d) was raining
7.4. Each member of this group_____ guilty.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) is being
(d) were
7.5. The Prime Minister_____ to visit the hospital tomorrow.
(a) will
(b) is
(c) must
(d) have
7.6. Last night the radio-said that the volcano, Etna., in Sicily___
(a) will erupt
(b) is erupting
(c) erupts
(d) has to erupt
7.7. They say that the Princess_____ incognito at the Sheraton
(a) have stayed
(b) is staying
(c) stay
(d) will have been staying
7.8. She_____ in Calcutta fora quarter of a century now
(a) will live
(b) lived
(c) has been living
(d) had been living
7.9. When we went to their home, Sushma_____ some fresh coffee for us
(a) made
(b) has made
(c) will make
(d) is making
7.10. Evidence shows that Jackson______ inside’ the house at the time of the murder.
(a) was
(b) is
(c) will be
(d) has been
8. Five alternative words are given. Find out which one of them would make the sentence correct and meaningful.
8.1. It is not easy to_____ old customs
(a) leave
(b) reject
(c) shake off
(d) give up
(e) throw away
8.2. Kamla has nothing in common_____ them
(a) with
(b) for
(c) about
(d) by
(e) through
8.3. Found guilty_____ stealing, he was imprisoned for six months.
(a) of
(b) with
(c) for
(d) Upon
(e) to.
8.4. They wanted advice _____ how they could procure funds for their new business
(a) as to
(b) as
(c) to
(d) as if
(e) any
8.5. He jumped______ my suggestion that he should take charge of the arrangements
(a) to
(b) with
(c) at
(d) for
(e) on.
9. In the following test, you should choose the one word whose meaning is closest to the given word.
9.1. Patience
(a) Forbearance
(b) Peacefulness
(c) Anger
(d) Recompense
(e) Steadfastness
9.2. Persuade
(a) Condole
(b) Induce
(c) Hinder
(d) Persevere
(e) Endure
9.3. Pique
(a) Complacency
(b) Gratification
(c) Flippancy
(d) Resentment
(e) Forwardness
9.4. Pleasant
(a) Painful
(b) Glum
(c) Gratifying
(d) Attractive
(e) Agreeable
9.5. Precarious
(a) Unassured
(b) Accurate
(c) Unquestionable
(d) Vilifying
(e) Careless
10. Each of the following words is followed by five words one of which is its opposite in meaning. Specify the word which you find most nearly opposite in meaning.
10.1. Cheer
(a) warm
(b) exhilarate
(c) extenuate
(d) Attenuate
(e) Depress
10.2. Lethargic
(a) Immobile
(b) Indolent
(c) Unpleasant
(d) Irresponsible
(e) Hyperactive
10.3. Nadir
(a) Modernity
(b) Zenith
(c) Liberty
(d) Progress
(e) None of these
10.4. Chronic
(a) Acute
(b) Fleeting
(c) Irregular
(d) Temporary
(e) Recurring
10.5. Integrate
(a) Isolate
(b) Analyse
(c) Distinguish
(d) Mark
(e) Distribute