Kerala Higher Judicial Service 2013 Paper-I

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Kerala Higher Judicial Service 2013 Paper-I Question Paper

Total marks – 200                           Duration – 3 hours

Frame sentences using the antonyms of the following words.

1. Affection

2. Adversity

3. Civil

4. Abundance


Correct the mistake.

5. It is a three judges bench decision

6. Neither did I sing nor he sang

7. Komalam is elder than her sister

8. We should enjoy much

9. Who did you talk


Rewrite the following sentences using the correct article wherever necessary.

10. Have you seen one legged man?

11. He is M.A

12. Wise always abstain from mischief

13. Blind and lame should be pitied upon

14. Man is only the creature that has developed power of speech


Use the correct preposition wherever necessary.

15. They saw the fight among the two brothers

16. He agreed with my proposal

17. He was invited for a dinner

18. I rejoice on his success

19. Be true on your faith

20. Kumaran is repentant with his mischief


Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes.

21. The priest said that God was everywhere

22. He worked hard so that he should pass

23. Rs.100/- are good sum

24. Is she not your sister?

25. I know to fly like a bird

26. She came back in time lest she should lose the bus


Rearrange the following sentences in their proper order.

27. These mere pieces of paper the value of the number of rupees bear what makes that is printed upon them

28. Implies a triumph over contempt and pleasure in the ill of another

29. Spread all over the world the human race is from the polar regions to the tropics


Punctuate the following.

30. When the boy saw it he was very frightened and began shouting Wolf Wolf Help Help as loudly as he could


Change into indirect speech

31. He said, “God rules and governs all things”


Change into direct speech

32. He proposed that they should wait for the award.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

33. All possible means…… been tried

34. His means……. ample

35. Write a precis of the passage given below:
In this regard I wish to digress a little to point out that the western attitude towards women’s rights has been most unfortunate so as to create a tremendous social upheaval in the latter part of the 20th century not only in the West but in Asian and African countries as well.
We must not forget that man and woman are the two halves of humanity. The two sexes are not identical. But they are not antagonistic either. They are complementary. The tendency in the West had been to throw them into antagonism, to make them competitors, the one against the other in the battle of life, rivals for employment, rivals for wages, rivals for fame and power. “Rights of Women” have been made to oppose “Rights of Men”. In the not too distant past there had been fierce discussion, hot war of pens and words, anger and bitterness, contemptuous sneers from the one side, passionate outcries from the other. And yet the sexes are not antagonistic. Neither can reach its highest creative excellence without the co-operation of the other. The two sexes should have been viewed as truly complementary, each supplying what the other lacked, each giving that in which the other was deficient and together made up the perfect whole. Physically, mentally and spiritually man and woman differ from each other and only in the blending of the two, could balance and equilibrium be found. But unfortunately a collision course had been set in motion and today women instead of being understood and respected for what they are, have become competitors in the minds of men. There is therefore an unconscious antipathy prevailing in the minds of certain men. As a result their attitudinal bias seems to imperceptibly affect them in dealing with women and their rights. Not only that, women themselves suffer from such bias. Where Women Police are expected to show sympathy and understanding towards those of their own gender taken into custody, the actuality sometimes seems otherwise. Some women police can be so brutal and unsympathetic towards females taken into custody. They could rush to conclusions with regards to the guilt of women suspects, taunt them with ugly and filthy words and comment adversely, sometimes far in excess of men.
Left to ourselves the eastern cultures Indian, Chinese or Japanese would have evolved a social system based on duties rather than rights. The stressing of rights lead to confrontation while the stressing of duties ensures co-operation. But the world being what it is today we have got to recognize social realities and try to remove causes which engender social upheaval and discontent while ensuring substantive equality for the weaker sections of society. Therefore, the need to protect women’s rights stems from our attitudinal bias more than due to legislative insufficiency.

Write essay of about three hundred words on any two of the following:

36. Clean Kerala

37. A Happy family

38. The power of human love

39. Translate the following into English

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