AILET Overall Analysis
- Applicants will have to attempt the NLU Delhi law entrance paper in a time limit of 90 minutes, i.e., 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- The offline question paper of NLU Delhi comprise as many as 150 questions of objective nature with multiple choices.
- The total marks allotted to AILET question paper will be 150.
- The different sections and their marks distribution is as follow: Mathematics-10, English-35, Logical Reasoning-35, Legal Aptitude-35, GK and Current Affairs-35.

- The paper based entrance exam contains 10 questions are on Elementary Mathematics or Numerical Ability.
- Even though the weightage of this section is lesser when compared to the other sections, you should devote a good preparation time for this.

- English Language section in AILET and other law entrance exams tests your proficiency in English Grammar and comprehension passages.
- In Reading Comprehension, you are asked questions vocabulary like synonyms and antonyms, understanding of the passage and its central theme.
- The grammar section includes questions based on fill in the appropriate word, sentence rearrangement and sentence correction.
- Formulation of concrete strategies for preparation to score well in the English section of any law entrance exam is very important.

Logical Reasoning
- AILET contains 35 questions on reasoning out of a total of 150 questions.
- Although this section is considered relatively “difficult”, the weightage of this section makes it important for you to give it special attention.
- Strong understanding of the basics and dedicated practice can help you boost your AILET score.

Legal Aptitude
The legal aptitude section carries a weightage of 35 marks and is extremely important since the aspirants have no prior exposure to this section.
Hence, a strategy to score well in this section is a very important component for a good preparation.

GK and Current Affairs
- The General knowledge section in AILET contains 35 questions.
- The importance of this section lies in the fact that you can conserve a lot of time in this section, which can be utilized in relatively tough sections like Reasoning and English.
- The questions are all direct in nature; hence, there is no scope of ambiguity.
- Your preparation for AILET GK section will prove to be beneficial in covering many aspects of AILET Legal Aptitude section that has questions on Legal GK also.