MH CET LAW 5 Year Mock Test Series

  • Full-Length All India Online Mock Tests
  • Exact simulation of latest MH CET LAW 5 Year exam pattern
  • Works smoothly on laptop, mobile or tablet
  • Optimized for low data usage and 2G connections
  • Papers drawn from question bank of over 10,000 questions
  • TestCracker™ – Powerful Performance Analysis and Reports designed by IITians
  • Algorithmic forecast of All India Rank based on your performance

Silver Pack (5 Mock Tests)

Rs 1499

  • 5 Full Length online exams as per exact MH CET LAW 5 Year 2018 pattern
  • Timed tests so that you can practice under exam pressure
  • Instant analysis and topic-level feedback after each mock
  • Exams are available 24×7
  • Works smoothly even on 2G connections
  • Valid until 30 Jun 2019
Sign Up for the Silver Package

Gold Pack (10 Mock Tests)

Rs 2999

  • 10 Full Length online exams as per exact MH CET LAW 5 Year 2018 pattern
  • Timed tests so that you can practice under exam pressure
  • Instant analysis and topic-level feedback after each mock
  • Exams are available 24×7
  • Works smoothly even on 2G connections
  • Valid until 30 Jun 2019
Sign Up for the Gold Package


Mocks Exactly Like The Real Thing

Mock exams scientifically prepared by careful analysis of past years papers. Special focus on the high-frequency parts of the syllabus

Timed Tests to Simulate Exam Pressure

Timed tests to work on your speed and accuracy. Give any test, anywhere, anytime you like. Each test has been carefully designed by IIT-IIM alumni using statistical analysis techniques to recreate the exam pattern.

Works Smoothly on Laptop, Tablet and Mobile

Prepare from anywhere – our testing software has been optimized to work efficiently even on 2G connections. Get immediate All-India ranking and a detailed analysis of your performance

Score Higher with Performance Analysis

Powerful performance analysis and topic-level suggestions. Find out not only what went wrong, but also how you can improve your score in the next test

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I subscribe to these mock tests?
A. You just need to click the buttons in the pricing table above. You will need to provide us your email address, and make the corresponding payment. Your login and password will be emailed to you and you can start giving the tests.

Q. How much time does it take to send me my login?
A. It is almost instantaneous – you will get your login and password almost immediately after you register and make the payment.

Q. Why do I need to sign up for the free mock test?
A. We ask for your email ID so that we can send you important notifications, tips and exam pointers. We will never spam you.

Q. Are these exams going to help me for preparing for MH CET Law (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test for Law, 5 Year Integrated LLB)?
A. Yes, giving mock tests is an extremely important part of preparing for any exam. Practicing with Delhi Law Academy’s mock test package is an excellent way to check your readiness for the actual exam.

Q. How many mocks can I give?
A. Please consult the pricing table above – it depends on the package you select.

Q. Can I give a free mock test or a free mock MH CET LAW Mock Test first and then decide?
A. Yes, you certainly can. Please scroll up and click the button that says ‘Give a free mock test’. You will need to give your email ID to create a free login, after which you can give a complete, full-length mock test. After the test, you will also be able to see your performance analysis and comparison against other students.