West Bengal Legal Service – 2007 – GK and Current Affairs

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West Bengal Legal Service – 2007 – GK and Current Affairs

Total marks – 100                                       Duration – 3 hours


Answer any the questions (each question carries 10 marks)
1. (a) Name the authors of the following books :
(i) To the Lighthouse
(ii) War and Peace
(iii) The Old Man and the Sea
(iv) A Doll’s House
(v) Midnight’s Children.
(b) What do the following abbreviations stand for ?
(i) EBRD (ii) MSCF (iii) CAM (iv) HMI (v) IPCC

2. (a) Indicate the fields of activity of the following :
(i) Anne Enright
(ii) Anju Bobby George
(iii) Ravi Shankar
(iv) Roger B. Myerson
(v) Oliver Sacitaies
(b) Pill in the gaps :
(i) ______ has largest stock of foreign exchange reserves in the world.
(ii) The fifth DS Summit of Developing Nations was organised recently in______ .
(iii) The Magsaysay Award 2007 for Peace and International Understanding was given to____
(iv) _____ is the present Secretary General of the U. N,
(v) The 104th Constitutional Amendment Bill deals with_______ .

3. (a) Match and pair the following :
(i) 476 A.D. Fall of Bastile
(ii) 14th August 1947 Battle of Plassey
(iii) 23rd June 175? Independence of Pakistan
(iv) 1857 Fall of Western Roman Empire
(v) 14th July 1789 Sepoy Mutiny

(b) Name the countries the following personalities hail from :
(i) Rudyard Kipling
(ii) Herbert A. Simon
(iii) Nelson Mandela
(iv) Vladimir Putin
(v) Luciano Pavarotti

4. Write brief notes on :
(i) ABC programme
(ii) Ecology Movement
(iii) Hurricane Felix
(iv) Blitzkrieg (v) Sea Diamond

5. (a) With which countries and/or regions are the following desert associated ?
(i) Sahara (ii) Takla Makan (iii) Gobi (iv) Sonoran (v) Patagonian
(b) In which states are not following situated ?
(i) Great Bear Lake (ii) Honshu Island (iii) Etna Volcano (iv) Great Rift Valley (v) Hampi

6. (a) (i) Which one of the following non-metals is not a poor conductor of electricity ?
(1) Sulphur (2) Selenium (3) Bronine (4) Phosphorus
(ii) Which one of the following types of glass can cut off ultraviolet raps ?
(1) Soda Glass (2) Pyre Glass (3) Lena Glass (4) Crookes Glass
(iii) In human body, which one of the following hormones regulates blood calcium and phosphate ?
(1) Glucagon (2) Growth hormone (3) Parathyroid hormone (4) Thyroxine

(iv) Which one among the following is called “Philosopher’s wool” ?
(1) Zinc Bromide (2) Zinc Nitrate (3) Zinc Oxide (4) Zinc Chloride
(v) Lobster belongs to which one of the following classes of organism?
(I) Arachnids (2) Crustaceans (3) Insects (4) Myriopods

(b) Give the meaning of the following :
(1) e-chaupal (2) Bush house (3) Tamiflu (4) Krone (5) Dastak

7. (a) (i) The qualifications of the Presi4ent of India are laid down in which article of the Indian Constitution ?
(ii) Which schedule contains provisions regarding disqualification of members of Parliament or State Legislatures on grounds of defection ?
(iii) Who decides disputes regarding the election of the Vice President ?
(iv) Which amendment reduced the voting age from 21 yrs, to 18 yrs. ?
(v) Which right was described by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the ‘Heart and soul of the Constitution’?

(b)(i) The “Vijaynagar Kingdom” was founded by which Dynasty?
(ii) Where was the capital of Shivaji’s kingdom ?
(iii) Who its the author of Kadambari ?
(iv) Who was known as **Parrot of India” ?
(v) Name the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

8. Fill in the blanks :
(i) _____ is the author of ‘An Equal Music’.
(ii) The right to freedom from illegal detention is secure through the writ of_____
(iii) _____ founded the Brahmo Samaj.
(iv) ____was the first European to translate the Bhagwad Oita into English.
(v) The normal blood pressure of human adult is_____ .

(b) What is Payyoli Express, Obelix, Garba, Deccan Queen, Jaleli ?

9. (a) Match List I with List II and pair the following ‘
List I List II
(i) Basketball Bunker
(ii) Bridge Lob
(iii) Golf Revoke
(iv) Tennis Hook
(v) Cricket Pivot

(b) (i) Where was the 6th Asia Cup for Women in hockey hosted ?
(ii) Which Indian first won a Grand Prix 2 race ?
(iii) In which game is the Sultan Azlan Cup given ?
(iv) Where was the final match of cricket World Cup 2007 played ?
(v) Who received the Eighth Grand Slam title in Australian Open Tennis, 2007

10. Write short notes on the following personalities :
a. Homi Bhaba
b. Verghese Kurien
c. Rukmini Devi Arundale
d. Donris Lessing
e. Baba Amie


Answer any four questions (each question carries marks)

11. “Under globalisation the setting up of SEZs in developing countries like India is a natural follow up”.—In the light of the current controversy over the establishment of SEZs express your views on (he merits and demerits of the problem,
12. Do you think that the concept of nation-state as become obsolete under the impact of advanced technologies—Argue.

13. Suggest three effective measures to promote -its culture in ’India.

14. Write a note on the Competition Bill, 2637:

15. “Administrative skill and political will are required to bring1 about jail reforms in India”—Express your views on the subject.

16. Do you think that sex-education should be introduced in schools 7

17. “Better health care service is possible only if health care is privatised”. —Comment.

18. “In the ongoing process of development, displacement of people is inevitable,”—Comment.

Looking for Judicial Services Coaching?

You have come to the right place! We offer comprehensive CLASSROOM coaching for Judicial Service exams of various States. Our next batch starts on 26 November 2017. We also offer comprehensive study material for these exams which you can access online or get at your doorstep through speed post.