DU LLM 2014 Question Paper

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DU LLM 2014 Question Paper

1. Which one of the following makes an agreement void?
(a) Mistake of one of the parties
(b) Mistake of law
(c) Mistake of a foreign law
(d) Mistake of fact by both the parties.

2. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?
(a) rebus sic stainti bus => Non-parties may accede to a treaty
(b) pacta sunt servanda => Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith.
(c) opinio juris sive necessitates => The States should follow a particular practice not as a matter of convenience but as an obligation.
(d) Pacta terries nec nocent nec prosunt => Treaties neither impose obligations nor confer rights on third parties

3. In which of the following cases, General principles of law recognized by civilized nations was applied?
(a) Lotus Case, 1927
(b) Asylum Case
(c) Island of Palmas Case, 1928
(d) Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case.

4. “Recognition of Government is unnecessary” is also known as:
(a) Estrada doctrine
(b) Rebus sic staintibus
(c) Calvo Clause
(d) De facto Recognition.

5. In which of the following cases, the issue of right of innocent passage was decided by the IFJ?
(a) North Sea Continental Shelf Cases
(b) Corfu Channel Case
(c) Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case
(d) Lotus Case.

6. Can a receiving State declare any member of the diplomatic staff of the sending State as persona non grata under Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961?
(a) Yes, no reasons are to be given for doing so
(b) No, as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations specifically prohibits it
(c) Yes, but it has to give detailed reasons for doing so and justify its case
(d) No, as there is no such provision in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

7. Which of the following pairs is correct?
(a) LaGrand Case, 2001 => Application of customary international law
(b) Anglo- Norwegian Fisheries Case => Delimitation of territorial sea
(c) Nottebohm Case => Use of Force
(d) Nicaragua v. United States => Delimitation of Continental Shelf

8. Which of the following statements is correct about Hugo Grotius?
(a) He wrote Mare Clausum
(b) He was a positivist
(c) He belonged to Britain
(d) He secularized the concept of law of nature and considered it as an independent source of international law.

9. Who gave the concept of “common heritage of mankind” for seabed and the ocean floor beyond national jurisdiction?
(a) Kelsen
(b) Sejden
(c) Arvid Pardo
(d) G.C. Cheshire.

10. Who amongst the following was of the opinion that binding force of international law is based on a fundamental principle known as pacta sunt servandal
(a) Anzilloti
(b) Brierly
(c) Oppenheim
(d) Bentham.

11. Nemo judex in causa sua was applied as a general principle of law recognized by civilized nations in:
(a) LaGrand Case, 2001
(b) Chorzowe Factory Case, 1927
(c) Island of Palmas Case, 1928
(d) U.N. Administrative Tribunal Case, 1954.

12. Which of the following has not been dealt with by the four Geneva Conventions of 1958 on various zones of the Sea?
(a) Territorial Sea
(b) Contiguous Zone
(c) Continental Shelf
(d) Exclusive Economic Zone.

13. Who considered customary international law as a part of common law?
(a) Hall
(b) William Blackstone
(c) Bentham
(d) Triepel.

14. Which of the following statements is correct in the light of article 38(1) of Statute of International Court of Justice?
(a) Teachings of the most highly qualified publicists is a secondary source of international law
(b) Judicial decisions of international bodies are primary source of international law
(c) General Assembly Resolutions are secondary sources of international law
(d) Equity is a secondary source of international law.

15. What the following statement is known as:
“Disputes arising out of contract shall be referred to municipal courts of State which grants concession”
(a) Estrada doctrine
(b) Monism theory
(c) Calvo Clause
(d) Jus cogens.

16. Which of the following has been dealt with specifically by the Agreement of 1994 relating to the implementation of Part XI of the U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea?
(a) Fishing at the High Seas
(b) Seabed mining
(c) Surplus of the allowable catch by landlocked and geographically disadvantaged States in the Exclusive Economic Zone of coastal States
(d) Contiguous zone.

17. Which of the following treaties provides for the rights of individuals to petition the Human Rights Committee?
(a) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(b) First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(c) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(d) Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

18. The dispute relating to the compulsory jurisdiction of ICJ on States is decided by:
(a) Party against which the jurisdiction of ICJ is invoked
(b) Party which invokes the jurisdiction of ICJ
(c) International Court of Justice
(d) General Assembly on the recommendation of Security Council.

19. The continental shelf of a State may at the maximum extend up to:
(a) 100 nautical miles from the baseline
(b) 500 nautical miles from the baseline
(c) 350 nautical miles from the baseline
(d) 24 nautical miles from the baseline.

20. According to U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea, the Coastal State shall give the landlocked States access to surplus of the allowable catch in:
(a) Territorial Sea
(b) Contiguous Zone
(c) Exclusive Economic Zone
(d) All the above

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