BHU UET LLB 2011 Question Paper

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BHU UET LLB 2011 Question Paper



  1. Unliquidated damages in the context of breach of contract mean

(1)      damage by a firm which has gone into liquidation

(2)      damage to a firm in the hands of receivers

(3)      damage to be assessed by courts as those are not predetermined

(4)      damage as assessed by parties to the contract before entering into it

  1. Assault and nuisance are

(1)      wrong under Criminal Law

(2)      wrong under Tort

(3)      wrong under neither

(4)      wrong under both

  1. A man commits adultery if he has sexual intercourse with a/an

(1)      unmarried woman

(2)      married woman

(3)    any woman except his wife

(4)      unmarried woman without her consent

  1. A man is obliged to maintain his divorced wife

(1)      forever

(2)      for 20 years

(3)      till the children grow up

(4)    till she gets remarried

  1. The Attorney-General of India holds office

(1)      for life

(2)      for a term of six years

(3)      during the pleasure of the President

(4)      as long as he enjoys the confidence of the Parliament

  1. The member of Judges of the Supreme Court is determined by the

(1)      Chief Justice of India

(2)      President of India

(3)      Parliament

(4)      President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India

  1. The Indian Federal System is modelled on the Federal System of

(1)      USA

(2)      Canada

(3)      Australia

(4)      United Kingdom

  1. The person making an affidavit is called

(1)      defendant

(2)      deponent

(3)      applicant

(4)      witness

  1. Collective term used for lawyers as a body is

(1)      Bench

(2)      Bar

(3)      Association

(4)      Council

  1. An arrangement in which an accused pleads guilty to a criminal prosecution and
       term receives a lighter sentence is called

(1)      arbitration

(2)      conciliation

(3)      plea-bargaining

(4)      mediation

  1. An authority given by one person to another to act on his behalf is legally termed

(1)      passing off

(2)      share authority

(3)      power of authority

(4)      None of the above

  1. The bail granted to a person apprehending arrest is called

(1)      immediate bail

(2)      surety

(3)      advance bail

(4)      anticipatory bail

  1. Improper use of power or trust in a way that deprives a person of freewill is
       legally termed as

(1)      un due influence

(2)      fraud

(3)      coercion

(4)    cheating

  1. Law passed by a Legislative Body is called

(1)      Bill

(2)      Statute

(3)      Statue

(4)      Act

  1. Defamation by means of writing, print or some other permanent form is called

(1)      slander

(2)      lapidation

(3)      label

(4)      libel

  1. A person who guarantees the payment by another is called

(1)      guardian

(2)      surety

(3)      next friend

(4)      best friend

  1. Temporary postponement of the execution of a criminal, i.e., death sentence is

(1)      reprieve

(2)      respite

(3)      remission

(4)      pardon

  1. An instrument under which powers are conferred on various organs of a
       Government ii referred to as

(1)      Code

(2)    Covenant

(3)      Constitution

(4)      Statute

  1. A Court ordered allowance that one spouse pays to the other spouse for
      maintenance and support while they are separated is called

(1)      alms

(2)      alimony

(3)      alienation

(4)      amnesty

  1. A contract with or by a minor is

(1)      void

(2)      voidable

(3)    unenforceable

(4)      valid

  1. A legally binding agreement enforceable by law is called

(1)      Tort

(2)      Contract

(3)      Promise

(4)      Duty

  1. Which Courts in India are empowered to issue writs as provided by the
       Constitution of India?

(1)      Supreme Court

(2)      High Courts

(3)      District Courts

(4)      Only (1)and (2)

  1. A person against whom any Court proceeding is brought to trial is called

(1)      plaintiff

(2)      defendant

(3)      petitioner

(4)      respondent

  1. ‘Law Day’ is observed every year on

(1)      November 26

(2)      January 26

(3)      June 26

(4)      December 26

  1. When a Court sends someone in judicial custody, then it means the person is

(1)      sent to jail

(2)      sent to public lockup

(3)      sent home under judicial protection

(4)      None of these

  1. A pleading filed by the defendant in a suit stating his grounds of defence is legally
      termed as

(1)      plaint

(2)      written statement

(3)      decree

(4)      document

  1. The command of a Court for enforcement of Fundamental Rights is called

(1)      public interest litigation

(2)      writ

(3)      order

(4)      dictate

  1. Statement by a victim as to the cause of his/her death is called

(1)      culpable homicide

(2)      written statement

(3)      dying declaration

(4)      confession

  1. The party against whom an appeal is filed is called

(1)      appellant

(2)      defendant

(3)      respondent

(4)      petitioner

  1. Legal aid for an accused is a

(1)      Fundamental Right

(2)      Fundamental Duty

(3)      Directive Principle of State Policy

(4)      Constitutional Directive

  1. Dishonour, of a cheque is an offense under the

(1)      Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

(2)      Indian Contract Act, 1872

(3)      Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

(4)      Indian Penal Code

  1. The term ‘vice versa’ means

(1)      refer to

(2)      conversely

(3)      against

(4)      truth

  1. In a book shop a catalogue of books enlisting the price of each book and specifying
    the place where the particular book is available is

(1)      an invitation to offer

(2)      an offer

(3)      an invitation to visit the book shop

(4)      a promise to make available the particular book at the listed price

  1. Which one of the following does not find a place in the preamble to the
       Constitution of India?

(1)      Integrity

(2)      Sovereignty

(3)      Morality

(4)    Justice

  1. There are two classes of Advocates in India

(1)      Advocates and Senior Advocates

(2)      Barristers and Solicitors

(3)      Lawyers and Attorneys

(4)      Supreme Court Advocates and High Court Advocates

  1. The word ‘mala-fide’ means

(1)      erroneous

(2)      good faith

(3)      bad faith

(4)    intention

  1. A Legislature consisting of only one House is called

(1)    Bicameral Legislature

(2)    Unicameral Legislature

(3)    Lok Sabha

(4)    Rajya Sabha

  1. When a loan is taken in the security of a movable property, it is called

(1)    mortgage

(2)    pledge

(3)    debt

(4)    exchange

  1. Right to Information is

(1)    Statutory Right

(2)    Fundamental Right

(3)    Directive Principle

(4)    Fundamental Duty

  1. What is the legal meaning of the word ‘battery’ ?

(1)    Cells, as used in a torch

(2)    Battering a person to death

(3)    Actual or intended striking of another person

(4)    Assault

  1. A, a minor borrows Rs 10,000 from B for defending himself in a dacoit case. In this case

(1)    B is not entitled to be reimbursed as an agreement with minor is void ab inito

(2)    B is entitled to be reimbursed, as the money borrowed by A is to defend his life and personal liberty

(3)    the money supplied by B is not for the minor’s necessities, hence he is not entitled to be reimbursed

(4)    B is entitled to recover the money when A becomes a major A

  1. A invited B to his house for dinner. B accepted the invitation but did not turn up for dinner. A filed a suit against B for the price of the non-consumed food. Can this agreement be enforced by law?

(1)    The agreement cannot be enforced as it is just a social agreement

(2)    The agreement can be enforced and A can recover the price

(3)    The agreement cannot be enforced as B did not accept the invitation in writing

(4)    The Court may order A to pay the price for the non-consumable food and also damages for inconvenience

  1. A, a tradesman leaves goods at B’s house by mistake. B treats the goods as his own and uses them. Is B bound to pay A ?

(1)    No, because B never asked A to leave the goods

(2)    Yes, because A did not intend to leave the goods at B’s house gratuitously

(3)    No, because A left the goods at B’s house due to his own mistake

(4)    Both (1) and (3)

  1. A, a man who is weak and sick by disease, is induced by B, his medical attendant to agree to pay B an unreasonable amount for his professional services. What offence has B committed?

(1)    B has committed the offence of fraud

(2)    B has committed the offence of undue influence

(3)    B has not committed any offence

(4)    B has committed the offence of cheating

  1. A starts coaching classes and charges Rs 10,000 per year as fees. A’s neighbour B also starts coaching classes nearby and charges Rs 8,000 per year, forcing A to reduce his fees to Rs 8,000 per year. Can A claim damages from B for the loss caused to him?

(1)    Yes, he can, as B has violated his legal right

(2)    No, A has reduced the fee on his own

(3)    No, because though there was damage, there was no legal injury

(4)    Yes, because B’s intention was to harm A

  1. A attempts to pull B’s nose. B in exercise of the right of private defence catches hold of A to prevent him from doing so. A is moved by sudden anger and he kills B. In this case

(1)    A is not guilty of murder as he was acting in self-defence

(2)    A is not guilty of murder as the provocation given by B’s action made him exercise his right of private defence

(3)    A is guilty of murder as he exceeded his right of private defence

(4)    A is guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder

  1. A, a Surgeon sees a child suffers an accident which is likely to prove fatal unless an operation is performed immediately. A performs the operation for the child’s benefit. In this case

(1)    A is liable to be sued because he performed the operation without the consent of the child’s father

(2)    A is liable to be sued because he did not inform the child’s family members

(3)    A is not liable to be sued because he has performed the operation in good faith for the child’s benefit

(4)    Both (1) and (2)

  1. A was not admitted by a Law College on the ground that he belonged to a backward caste. A challenges the decision in the Court. In this case

(1)    A will not succeed as the College has powers to make its own rules

(2)    A will succeed as this decision is against the principle of equality

(3)    A will succeed as this decision violates his Fundamental Right

(4)    Both (2) and (3)

  1. A to protect his house from theft put a wire fencing around his house and at night electrified it. A thief attempted to enter his house and suffered grievous injuries when he came in contact with the fence. In this case

(1)    A can be prosecuted because he has endangered another’s life

(2)    A cannot be prosecuted as he has tried to protect his property

(3)    A can be prosecuted because he has exceeded his right of private defence

(4)    A can be prosecuted because he has not put a warning sign

  1. A in his madness attempts to kill B who is somehow rescued. In this case

(1)    A is not liable, because B was rescued and was not hurt

(2)    A is liable for attempt to murder

(3)    A is not liable because he had no guilty mind at the time of attack

(4)    A is not liable as he was mad

  1. Who convenes the Joint Session of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

(1)    The Speaker of Lok Sabha

(2)    The Chairman of Rajya Sabha

(3)    The President

(4)    The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

  1. The age of retirement of Judges of High Court is

(1)    62 years

(2)    65 years

(3)    60 years

(4)    58 years

  1. Which of the following personalities was conferred the Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Justice in 2009?

(1)    Aung San Suu Kyi

(2)    Nelson Mandela

(3)    Dalai Lama

(4)    Barack Obama

  1. Ikebarna is a Japanese form of

(1)    modern painting

(2)    martial art

(3)    flower arrangement

(4)    agricultural practice

  1. Andaman and Nicobar Circuit Bench comes under which of the following High Courts?

(1)    Madras High Court

(2)    Orissa High Court

(3)    Calcutta High Court

(4)    Andhra Pradesh High Court

  1. Who among the following was the first Indian to win an Olympic medal?

(1)    Leander Paes

(2)    Abhinava Bindra

(3)    Karnam Maheshwari

(4)    K. D. Jadav

  1. The ‘World Environment Day’ is observed on

(1)    5 July

(2)    5 June

(3)    5 September

(4)    5 October

  1. Who among the following is the author of the book Jinnah-India, Partition Independence ?

(1)    Khushwant Singh

(2)    A. B. Vajpayee

(3)    L. K. Advani

(4)    Jaswant Singh

  1. Who is the Minister for Civil Aviation?

(1)    A. Raja

(2)    Praful Patel

(3)    M. S. Gill

(4)    Kapil Sibal

  1. Who is the leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha?

(1)    Arun Jetly

(2)    L. K, Advani

(3)    Rajnath Singh

(4)    Sushma Swaraj

  1. Which country won the gold medal in the Delhi Commonwealth Gaines in Women’s Doubles Badminton?

(1)    India

(2)    Singapore

(3)    England

(4)    Australia

  1. Which Indian won the World Billiard Championship in 2010?

(1)    Geet Sethi

(2)    Pankaj Advani

(3)    Ajit Ahuja

(4)    Paramjit Singh

  1. Which country won the last Ajlan Shah Hockey Tournament held in Malaysia?

(1)    India

(2)    Pakistan

(3)    Malaysia

(4)    Singapore

  1. The name of Sudha Singh is associated with which game?

(1)    Athletics

(2)    Cricket

(3)    Tennis

(4)    Hockey

  1. Who was the Captain of the Indian Hockey team in the last Asiad held in China in 2010 ?

(1)    Ajit Pal Singh

(2)    Dalip Tirkey

(3)    Rajpal Singh

(4)    Sandeep Singh

  1. The recent building scam in Mumbai was for a high-rise building. How many stories did it have?

(1)    31

(2)    10

(3)    25

(4)    19

  1. Who among the following has been appointed the Law Minister of India in the second innings of the UPA Government?

(1)    Kapil Sibal

(2)    Hansraj Bhardwaj

(3)    Veerappa Moily

(4)    A. M. Singhvi

  1. The Mascot of the 2010 Commonwealth Gaines held in Delhi was

(1)    Tiger

(2)    Panda

(3)    Leopard

(4)    Lion

  1. Imphal is the capital of

(1)    Mizoram

(2)    Meghalaya

(3)    Manipur

(4)    Sikkim

  1. The number of Permanent Members of the UN Security Council is

(1)    5

(2)    10

(3)    8

(4)    7

  1. ISO 9002 is a

(1)    quality assurance in production, installation and service projects

(2)    space projects

(3)    trade technique

(4)    name of a product

  1. Where were the first Asian Games held?

(1)    Bangkok

(2)    Singapore

(3)    Kualalumpur

(4)    Manila

  1. Who among the following is not associated with Ghazals?

(1)    Begam Akhtar

(2)    Mehandi Hasan

(3)    Jagjit Singh

(4)    Amjad Ali Khan

  1. The first woman Prime Minister in the world was of

(1)    Sri Lanka

(2)    India

(3)    England

(4)    Israel

  1. The ‘International Women’s Day’ is celebrated on

(1)    5 March

(2)    8 March

(3)    10 April

(4)    14 April

  1. Medha Patekar is a/an

(1)    Philosopher

(2)    Scientist

(3)    Environmentalist

(4)    Journalist

  1. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given for outstanding contribution in the field of

(1)    Cinema

(2)    Literature

(3)    Music

(4)    Medicine

  1. The highest peak in India is

(1)    Mount Everest

(2)    Nanga Parbat

(3)    Kanchenjunga

(4)    Thottabetta

  1. How many squares are there in a Chess Board?

(1)    Thirty-six

(2)    Sixty-four

(3)    Twenty-four

(4)    Forty-eight

  1. On which day is ‘Martyr’s Day’ celebrated?

(1)    30 January

(2)    30 December

(3)    30 October

(4)    30 August

  1. In a class of 50 students M is eighth from the top. H is 20th from bottom. How many students are there between M and H ?

(1)    22

(2)    23

(3)    24

(4)    25

  1. P’s father is Q’s son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the brother of Q. How is N related to M?

(1)    Brother

(2)    Uncle

(3)    Nephew

(4)    Cousin

  1. Pointing towards a girl in the picture Sunita said, “She is the mother of Renu whose father is my son”. How is Sunita related to the girl in the picture?

(1)    Mother

(2)    Mother-in-Law

(3)    Cousin

(4)    Daughter

  1. Kamla walks 5 km towards the North, takes a right turn and walks 10 km. She now takes a left turn and walks 5 km. She finally takes another left turn and walks 10 km. Towards which of the following directions is she walking now?

(1)    East

(2)    South

(3)    North

(4)    West

  1. There are five steel boxes labelled A, B, C, D, E. E is heavier only than A. C is heavier than A and E is less heavier than B, which is not the heaviest. Which of the following boxes is the heaviest?

(1)    A

(2)    B

(3)    C

(4)    D

  1. If a person is standing at sixth number in the queue from both ends, the total number of persons in the queue is

(1)    9

(2)    11

(3)    12

(4)    13

  1. A is three years older than B and three years younger to C, while B and D are twins. How many years older is C to D ?

(1)    3

(2)    6

(3)    2

(4)    Equal in age

  1. Which of the following runs faster? A train running at 60 km per hour or a car speeding at 100 metres per 6 seconds.

(1)    Train

(2)    Car

(3)    Both will progress at the same speed

(4)    Cannot be determined

  1. Pointing to a boy, Meena said, “He is the only grandson of my grandfather”. How is the boy related to Meena?

(1)    Brother

(2)    Cousin

(3)    Uncle

(4)    Data inadequate

  1. When the following dates are arranged in their chronological order, which date will come first?

AD 1894 ; 55 BC ; AD 201 ; 500 BC

(1)    55 BC

(2)    500 BC

(3)    AD 1894

(4)    AD 201

Directions : (Question No. 91-93)   Fill in the blanks, choosing from the four alternatives given and mark the appropriate answer on the Answer Sheet.

  1. A person who ________ on his own effort has the best chance to win.

(1)    makes

(2)    puts

(3)    relies

(4)    runs

  1. When he died, Satish ________ behind three books.

(1)    was leaving

(2)    had left

(3)    left

(4)    leaves

  1. In a classroom, students are to be taught to love ________.

(1)    each other

(2)    all others

(3)    one another

(4)    altogether

  1. How many medals did India win in the 2010 Asiad held in China?

(1)    59

(2)    64

(3)    67

(4)    79

  1. How many gold medals did China win in the 2010 Asiad held in China?

(1)    200

(2)    199

(3)    205

(4)    189

  1. Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens can be suspended by the President

(1)    during national emergency

(2)    during all kinds of emergency

(3)    with the prior approval of the Supreme Court

(4)    with the prior approval of the Parliament

  1. In what proportion do the members of the Rajya Sabha retire?

(1)    All the members after six years

(2)    Half of the members retire every three years

(3)    One-third of the members retire after two years

(4)    One-sixth of the members retire every year

  1. India became a member of the United Nations on

(1)    26 January, 1951

(2)    15 August, 1947

(3)    30 October, 1945

(4)    2 October, 1950

  1. The British Prime Minister during India’s Independence was

(1)    Sir Winston Churchill

(2)    Clement Atlee

(3)    Lord Mountbatten

(4)    Sir Stafford Cripps

  1. Who wrote the first book on the Constitution of India?

(1)    B. R. Ambedkar

(2)    Durgadas Basu

(3)    H. M. Servai

(4)    Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. Two trains are running at a speed of 200 km per hour. They start at the same time from opposite stations and have to cover a distance of 1000 km each to reach their destination. If they both start at 10 00 a.m., at what time will they cross each other?

(1)    12-30 p.m.

(2)    2-30 p.m.

(3)    11-30 p.m.

(4)    130 p.m.

  1. Lata bought a saree for Rs 2,442. On coming home she realised that the saree was ½ metre shorter than the requisite length. She was cheated of Rs 222 on account of this. What is the actual length of the saree?

 (1)   4 ½ metres

(2)    5 metres

(3)    5 ½ metres

(4)    6 metres

  1. A car which costs Rs 1,20,000 is discounted at 5%, What is the discount?

(1)    Rs 4,000

(2)    Rs 8,000

(3)    Rs 6,000

(4)    Rs 5,000

  1. At a farewell function of 60 students, each student shakes hand with every other student. How many total handshakes will be there?

(1)    3540

(2)    3600

(3)    1770

(4)    3000

  1. A piece of cloth costs Rs 70, If a piece is 4 metres longer and each metre costs Rs 2 less, the cost remains unchanged. How long is the piece?

(1)    8 m

(2)    9 m

(3)    10 m

(4)    12 m

  1. A shopkeeper earned Rs 504 in 12 days. His average income for the first four days was Rs 40 per day. His average income for the remaining days is

(1)    Rs 40

(2)    Rs 42

(3)    Rs 43

(4)    Rs 45

  1. A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days, B and C in 24 days, A and C in 36 days. In what time can they do it all working together?

(1)    12 days

(2)    13 days

(3)    16 days

(4)    26 days

  1. A dealer professing to sell at cost price uses a 900 gm weight for a kilogram. His gain per cent is

(1)    9

(2)    10

(3)    11

(4)    111

  1. The average age of a family of 5 members is 30. On the death of a person the average age is reduced to 20. What is the age of the dead person?

(1)    70

(2)    50

(3)    65

(4)    55

  1. A is twice as good a workman as B, and together they finish a work in 14 days. In how many days can it be done by A alone?

(1)    21 days

(2)    42 days

(3)    23 days

(4)    25 days

  1. You have been caught red-handed in an office looking into a file marked ‘Strictly Confidential’. What will be your most reasonable action in the situation?

(1)    To feel sleepish and embarrassment

(2)    To admit to the crime

(3)    To offer an excuse

(4)    To stand rooted to the ground

  1. A boy is chosen at random and found to come from a family with two children. What is the probability that the other child is a boy?

(1)    2

(2)    ½

(3)    1/4

(4)    1

  1. In an enclosure of a zoo, there are some rabbits and pigeons. If their heads are counted, they are 90 while their legs are 224. Find the number of pigeons

(1)    44

(2)    32

(3)    68

(4)    34

  1. A cistern has two pipes, which can fill it in 2 and 3 hours respectively. A third pipe can empty it in 5 hours. If all the three pipes are turned on when the cistern is empty, when will it be filled?

(1)    22 hours

(2)    30 – 19 hours

(3)    19-30 hours

(4)    23 hours

  1. Muslim marriage is a/an

(1)    Sacrament

(2)    Civil Contract

(3)    Divine Commandment

(4)    Agreement

  1. Once promoted as the Chief Justice of India, he serves till he attains the age of

(1)    62 years

(2)    63 years

(3)    64 years

(4)    65 years

  1. Mrs. Pratibha Patil is the

(1)    13th President of India

(2)    15th President of India

(3)    11th President of

(4)    12th President of India

  1. Can a couple who has adopted a son, adopt another son legally?

(1)    Yes

(2)    No

(3)    No, because law prohibits it

(4)    No, because it would be unfair to the first child

  1. According to the Indian Majority Act, a major is a person who has attained the age of

(1)    18 years

(2)    21 years

(3)    16 years

(4)    17 years

  1. A person whose guardian has been appointed attains the age of majority at

(1)    18 years

(2)    21 years

(3)    25 years

(4)    19 years

  1. A dacoity needs at least

(1)    two persons

(2)    three persons

(3)    four persons

(4)    five persons

  1. The minimum age for marriage for a boy and girl is

(1)    18 years, 21 years

(2)    21 years, 18 years

(3)    18 years, 18 years

(4)    21 years, 21 years

  1. In Law, a man is presumed to be dead, if he is not heard of as alive for

(1)    5 years

(2)    7 years

(3)    9 years

(4)    10 years

  1. Who among the following persons in India is the Chairman of the Planning


(1)    Finance Minister

(2)    Prime Minister

(3)    President

(4)    Home Minister

  1. The early release of a prisoner is called

(1)    bail

(2)    parole

(3)    lease

(4)    lien

  1. The First Round Table Conference was held in

(1)    1930

(2)    1935

(3)    1915

(4)    1942

  1. Which one of the following was conferred with Oscar Award?

(1)    Amir Khan

(2)    Shahrukh Khan

(3)    A. R. Rehman

(4)    Amitabh Bachchan

  1. Who propounded the theory of relativity?

(1)    Einstein

(2)    Newton

(3)    Anderson

(4)    Edison

  1. Bermuda Triangle is known for

(1)    drug smuggling

(2)    disappearing of planes and ships

(3)    pirates

(4)    weapon smuggling

  1. Who invented dynamite?

(1)    Newton

(2)    David Calcut

(3)    Alfred Nobel

(4)    L. L. Puller




Note : Four alternatives are given as possible answers to each question. Give the correct choice as an answer.

Directions : (Question No. 131-133)Select the word nearest in meaning to the given word.

  1. 131. Impertinent

(1)    Dirty

(2)    Rude

(3)    Sad

(4)    Serious

  1. Construct

(1)    Destroy

(2)    Paint

(3)    Build

(4)    Finish

  1. Calamity

(1)    Danger

(2)    Fear

(3)    Misfortune

(4)    Risk

Directions : (Question No. 134-136)Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

  1. Lenient

(1)    Strict

(2)    Kind

(3)    Bad

(4)    Cruel

  1. Detain

(1)    Imprison

(2)    Arrest

(3)    Punish

(4)    Release

  1. Integrity

(1)    Darkness

(2)    Dishonesty

(3)    Cruelty

(4)    Sincerity

Directions : (Question No. 137-139)          Select the right word to fill in the blanks.

  1. How much did it _________ you to have your radio repaired?

(1)    charge

(2)    cost

(3)    price

(4)    estimate

  1. Despite his ___________ he had to suffer

(1)    negligence

(2)    innocence

(3)    fault

(4)    crime

  1. The police _________ him of stealing a car.

(1)    warned

(2)    beat

(3)    threatened

(4)    accused

Directions : (Question No. 140-142)Choose the word which can be substituted for the underlined words in both the given sentences.

  1. (a)His understanding of the subject is really good.

(b)    Rajesh had to hold on to the handle with all his strength.

(1)    pull

(2)    grasp

(3)    power

(4)    make-up

  1. (a)I cannot endure such a loud noise.

(b)    He preferred to consider the other view.

(1)    bear

(2)    support

(3)    stand

(4)    position

  1. (a)Our stadium can seat one lakh spectators.

(b)    Ashish is willing to adjust his programme with mine.

(1)    accommodate

(2)    arrange

(3)    hold

(4)    view

Directions : (Question No. 143-146)The underlined part of each of the given sentences contains an error. Choose the option which will improve the sentence.

  1. He prefers tea than coffee.

(1)    to coffee

(2)    from coffee

(3)    against coffee

(4)    for coffee

  1. I have come to see you yesterday.

(1)    am coming

(2)    have came

(3)    came

(4)    will come

  1. She is sitting in the library since 5 O’clock.

(1)    sat

(2)    has been sitting

(3)    sits

(4)    was sitting

  1. Seldom I found her playing with her friends.

(1)    did I found

(2)    did I find

(3)    I did find

(4)    I was finding

Directions : (Question No. 147-150)In the given sentences, identify the parts of speech of the underlined words.

  1. He often comes home late.

(1)    Adjective

(2)    Adverb of time

(3)    Adverb of frequency

(4)    Preposition

  1. He loves her soft skin.

(1)    Adjective of quality

(2)    Predicative Adjective

(3)    Adverb

(4)    None of the above

  1. My friend is a doctor.

(1)    Object

(2)    Object complement

(3)    Subject complement

(4)    None of the above

  1. ISO The music sounded strange,

(1)    Transitive Verb

(2)    Linking Verb

(3)    Intransitive Verb

(4)    Auxiliary Verb

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