Nagaland Judicial Service Grade – I April 2013- Paper – I
Nagaland Judicial Service Grade – I April 2013- Paper – I Question Paper
Total marks – 100 Duration – 3 hours
1. Write essays on any two of the following topics :
(i) Public Interest Litigation
(ii) Good governance and right to information.
(iii) Hornbill festival of Nagaland.
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow the passage:
At low tide he walked over the sands to the headland and round the comer to the little bay facing the open sea. It was inaccessible by boat, because seams of rock jutted out and currents swirled round them treacherously. But-you could walk there if you chose one of the lowest ebb tides that receded a very long way. You could not linger on the expedition, for once the tide was on the turn it came in rapidly. For this reason very few people cared to explore the little bay and the cave at the back of it. But the unknown always drew this man like a magnet. He found the bay fresh and unlittered, as it was completely covered by the sea at high tide. The cave looked mysteriously dark, cool and inviting and he penetrated to the farthest comer where he discovered a wide crack, rather like a chimney. He peered up and thought he could see a patch of daylight.
(i) According to the writer, the bay could not be reached by boat, because
(A) it had numerous layers of rocks.
(B) there were too many eddies.
(C) it was facing the open sea.
(D) there were seams of rock and treacherously swirling currents.
(ii) One could visit the bay
(A) at any time one chose
(B) on certain specified occasions
(C) when there was a low tide
(D) during the evening walk
(iii) It was not-possible to “linger on the expedition” because
(A) the water rose rapidly
(B) the tide turned slowly
(C) the tide turned sprightly
(D) the water rushed in with a great force
(iv) He found the bay “fresh and unlittered” because
(A) the sea water had receded
(B) he was the first visitor there
(C) the high tide had just washed the litter away
(D) it was not frequented by people who would pollute it
(v) While passing through the cave, the writer discovered a
(A) cool and secluded comer
(B) large opening
(C) chimney-shaped rock
(D) big crack through which light came in
3. A sentence has been broken into 4 parts, namely, (A), (B), (C) and (D). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘E’. (ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
(i) (A) The interviewer asked the actress
(B) how could she
(C) manage to attain fame
(D) in a short period
(E) No error
(ii) (A) He has a scheme
(B) of his own which he thinks
(C) more preferable to
(D) that of any other person
(E) No error
(iii) (A) The historian
(B) has been working
(C) on the project
(D) from last 12 years
(E) No error
(iv) (A) We now look forward for
(B) some great achievements
(C) which to some extent
(D) can restore the country’s prestige once again
(E) No error
(v) (A) We play
(B) tennis together
(C) every morning
(D) since last June
(E) No error
4. In each of the following questions, a word printed in capital letters precedes four lettered words or phrases. From these four lettered words or phrases, pick the one most nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word.
(i) NIMBLE :
(A) Lively
(B) Clear
(C) Quickening
(D) Subtle
(ii) FACADE :
(A) Front
(B) Top
(C) Floor
(D) Basement
(iii) CHARISMA :
(A) Power
(B) Magic
(C) Magnetic appeal
(D) Humility
(iv) PILFER :
(A) Destroy
(B) Steal
(C) Moderation
(D) Snatch
(A) Reckless
(B) Unreasonable
(C) Pompous
(D) Wasteful
5. In each of the following questions, a word printed in capital letters precedes four lettered words or phrases. From these four lettered words or phrases, pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
(i) FORBID :
(A) Permit
(B) Provoke
(C) Celebrate
(D) Appreciate
(ii) CALLOUS :
(A) Capable
(B) Sensitive
(C) Confident
(D) Sentimental
(iii) MASK :
(A) Deface
(B) Hit
(C) Expose
(D) Injure
(iv) BARREN :
(A) Simple
(B) Sterile
(C) Productive
(D) Arid
(A) Mixed
(B) Classified
(C) Unrelated
(D) Minor
6. Each question below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
(i) Sunita had………. been out of the hospital……….. she slipped and fractured her arm
(A) hardly, when
(B) just, as
(C) well, and
(D) then, when
(E) also, as
(ii) During the strike, all work at the factory came to a………..
(A) stoppage
(B) close
(C) decline
(D) end
(E) halt
(iii) It is foolish to vent your spleen on a/an……… object. Still, you make……. enemies that way.
(A) immobile-bitter
(B) interesting-curious
(C) humane-more
(D) inanimate-fewer
(E) None of these
(iv) He was………. very clever, but he……..performed excellently.
(A) certainly-obviously
(B) never-also
(C) not-always
(D) rarely-seldom
(E) None of these
(v) …………. a very long time this city has been prosperous.
(A) Since
(B) For
(C) From
(D) Till
(E) None of these
7. Each of the following idiom/phrase is followed by four meanings marked as (A), (B) , (C) and (D). Chose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.
(i) Between the devil and the deep sea
(A) a deep sea diver
(B) to be evil tempered
(C) in a dilemma
(D) a man who is drowning
(ii) Through thick and thin
(A) big and small
(B) large object
(C) under all conditions
(D) thin and fat
(iii) From hand to mouth
(A) something repeated often
(B) consuming food
(C) to survive without saving
(D) hitting someone by hand on the mouth
(iv) To beat about the bush
(A) not to come to the point
(B) vigorous search for the culprit
(C) easily achieved success without much effort
(D) working hard to achieve the goal
(v) To smell a rat
(A) to see hidden meaning
(B) to smell bad odour
(C) to misunderstand
(D) to suspect a trick or deceit
8. Pill up the blanks with words expressing appropriate comparisons.
(i) As blind as a_____.
(ii) As wise as a/an_____.
(iii) As green as_____.
(iv) As good as_____.
(v) As sharp as a_____.
9. Substitute the following by one word.
(i) With one voice.
(ii) A speech given with preparation.
(iii) Liable to break easily.
(iv) A person who is made to take the blame due to others.
(v) A disease widely prevalent at a particular point of time.
10. Answer the following
(i) World Health Day is observed every year on
(A) 2nd February
(B) 7th April
(C) 15th March
(D) 8th December
(E) None of the above
(ii) Which of the following is a computer language ?
(A) Cobol
(B) Cosal
(C) Gama
(D) Canon
(E) None of the above
(iii) Dharavi in India is the largest of its kind in the world. What is it ?
(A) A cave
(B) A river island
(C) A slum in Mumbai
(D) A coal mine
(E) None of the above
(iv) Which is the smallest planet in the solar system ?
(A) Uranus
(B) Mercury
(C) Mars
(D) Jupiter
(E) None of the above
(v) In which field has Amartya Sen, a Nobel laureate, distinguished himself ?
(A) Physics
(B) Philosophy
(C) Economics
(D) Chemistry
(E) None of the above
(vi) Where is the headquarters of the UNO ?
(A) Geneva
(B) The Hague
(C) New York
(D) Paris
(E) None of these
(vii) Who was the author of Das Kapital ?
(A) JM Keynes
(B) Karl Marx
(C) James Austin
(D) Adam Smith
(E) None of these
(viii) TRAI stands for
(A) Telephone Regulatory Authority of India
(B) Telegram Regulatory Authority of India
(C) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(D) Telecom Regulation Authority of India
(E) None of these
(ix) What is the full form of IBM ?
(A) International Business Machines
(B) Indian Business Modifier
(C) International Business Modifier
(D) Indian Bureau of Mass Communication
(E) None of these
(x) Who is/axe the founder/ s of Microsoft ?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Paul Allen
(C) Bill Gates and Paul Allen
(D) Bill Gates and Ray Ozzie
(E) None of these
(xi) What is the full form of SMS ?
(A) Short Messaging Service
(B) Simplified Messaging Service
(C) Swift Messaging Service
(D) Short Messaging System
(E) None of these
(xii) With which one of the following games is Tiger Woods’ associated ?
(A) Golf
(B) Swimming
(C) Tennis
(D) Table Tennis
(E) Badminton
(xiii) Expand the term GSLV
(A) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
(B) Global Satellite Launch Vehicle
(C) Geosynchronous Station Launch Vehicle
(D) Global Station Launch Vehicle
(E) None of the above
(xiv) Which of the following terms is used in Cricket ?
(A) Centre forward
(B) Goal
(C) Love
(E) Bull’s eye
(xv) With which one of the following activities are Golden Globe Awards associated ?
(A) Journalism
(B) Social work
(C) Peace initiatives
(D) Films
(E) None of these
(xvi) With which one of the following sports is Narain Karthikeyen is connected?
(A) F-1 motor racing
(B) Tennis
(C) Badminton
(D) Table Tennis
(E) Snooker
(xvii) The Government of India has set up seventh Indian Institute of Management, named the Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, at
(A) Shillong
(B) Bhagalpur
(C) Bhopal
(D) Jaipur
(E) None of these
(xviii) Who was known as the ‘Lady with the lamp’ ?
(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Joan of Arc
(C) Mother Teresa
(D) Florence Nightingale
(E) None of the above
(xix) Who among the following was the first woman Chief Justice of a High Court in India ?
(A) Geeta Mukheijee
(B) Leila Seth
(C) Sujata Manohar
(D) Ruma Pal
(E) None of the above
(xx) Kimono is a dress style of which Asian country ?
(A) China
(B) South Korea
(C) Japan
(D) Thailand
(E) None of the above