Maharashtra Judicial Service District Judge 2008 Paper-I
Maharashtra Judicial Service District Judge 2008 Paper-I Question Paper
Total marks – 200 Duration – 3 hours
1. “Directive principles and Fundamental duties ” are part of – :
(a) Constitution of India
(b) Administrative Law.
(c) Conduct and Discipline
(d) Labour Laws.
2. “Charge” and “Exchange” are
(a) Transfer of property;
(b) Negotiable Instruments;
(c) Right of Government to collect revenue or taxes by I ] attachment and sale of property;
3. Sub Divisional Officer, Deputy Collector, Collector and Commissioner are the authorities exercising powers under :
(a) Income Tax Act
(b) Sales Tax Act
(c) Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act
(d) Maharashtra Land Revenue Code
4. Right to property is :
(a) Fundamental right;
(b) Constitutional right;
(c) Moral right;
(d) Contractual right
5. Claim on the basis of “No Fault Liability” can be made under :
(a) Law of torts
(b) Motor Vehicles Act
(c) Contract between carrier and passenger
(d) Motor Vehicles Taxation Law
(e) Railways and Merchant Shipping Act.
6. Supreme Court Judgment in Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India decides :-
(a) Right to property;
(b) Right to dwelling house;
(c) Right to reside and stay in India;
(d) Right to get passport and travel abroad.
7. Supreme Court decision in Srilekha Vidyarthi Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh is based on :
(a) Right to equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India;
(b) Right to contract with anybody irrespective of gender and sex.
(c) Right to practice as Advocate.
(d) Right to claim damages and compensation.
8. A dishonoured cheque issued in January, 2007 towards repayment of loan advanced in December, 2004 will cause following legal effect, in a suit for recovery of loan amount:-
(a) It would amount to neither acknowledgment nor part payment of debt and hence no fresh limitation will start running from date of the cheque in January, 2007.
(b) It will cause revival of the time barred debt and hence the amount can be recovered.
(c) It being dishonoured cheque, cannot be treated as part payment of debt and thus, the suit will be barred by limitation.
(d) It is the cheque without consideration and will be of no effect, whatsoever for extension of limitation.
9. “Vishakha case decision” of the Apex Court relates subject of :
(a) Domestic violence against women
(b) Sexual harassment of women at working places
(c) Immoral trafficking in women
(d) Custodial rape on women
10. Interpleader suit can be filed when :
(a) There is claim against Pleader (Advocate)
(b) The claim is filed against two or more defendants who have set up rival titles to the property in order to locate real landlord by the tenant for payment of rent.
(c) The claim is set up is against two or more trespassers in the property.
(d) In suit against two or more indigent person.
11. Doctrine of Merger deals with :
(a) Merger of self acquired property into the joint family property.
(b) Merger of different cadres to form uniform cadre.
(c) Merger of the lands during consolidation of holdings.
(d) Merger of appellate Courts judgment into the Original/ Trial Court’s judgment.
12. Pre-arrest bail is granted under :
(a) I.P.C.
(b) Code of Civil Procedure
(c) International Convention of Human Rights.
(d) Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
13. Discovery and Inspection and administering interrogatories is a procedure under :-
(a) Common Law;
(b) Penal Law;
(c) Code of Civil Procedure while trying civil suits ‘and proceedings;
(d) Service Law
14. The term “Award and Decree” is used to denote
(a) The order of Commissioner of Income Tax;
(b) The order of Collector passed while recovering the revenue;
(c) Order of Civil Court, Arbitrator, Industrial Court, Cooperative Court etc.;
(d) Final order of Supreme Court.
15. The word “Primary and Secondary evidence” is part of :-
(a) Law of procedure;
(b) Principles of fair play and justice.
(c) Law of evidence; –
(d) Banking and Security Law.
16. “Defamation” is a…….?
(a) Immoral Act
(b) Unethical Behaviour by media;
(c) Corrupt and indecent behaviour in public;
(d) Custom and Practice contrary to public policy.
(e) Civil wrong and criminal offence.