Arunachal Pradesh Grade – I 2015- Paper – II Question Paper

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Arunachal Pradesh Grade – I 2015- Paper – II Question Paper

Total marks – 100 Duration – 3 hours

1. What is the period of limitation for instituting a suit for specific performance of a contract ? (2 Marks)
2. Is caricature a “document” as defined in section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 ? (2 Marks)
3. What do you mean by “easement” ? (5 Marks)
4. Please examine the evidentiary value of a hostile witness. (8 Marks)
5. Please examine the scope and ambit of Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. (8 Marks)
6. Critically examine the distinction between “return of plaint” and “rejection of plaint”. (8 Marks)
7. Explain the concept of mortgage with reference to the essentials of mortgage. What are the different types of mortgage ? (8 Marks)
8. Elaborately examine the rights of an accused. (9 Marks)
10. Examine the law relating to Sedition. (10 Marks)

11. Write brief notes on any five out of the following : (6 x 5 = 30 Marks)
(i) Extra-judicial confession.
(ii) Dying declaration.
(iii) Theft and robbery.
(iv) Defamation.
(v) Framing of charge.
(vi) Setting aside decrees ex-parte.
(vii) Transfer by ostensible owner.
(viii) Doctrine of subrogation.

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